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Is this for me?

Yes it is, it is the time for you.

African Angara believes it is time to act, it is time to change, it is time to run the world, time to build, it´s time to be participants in this world.


Characteristics Superadobe Houses

Construction adapted to all kind of weather. Anti-seismic, Anti-Termite, Anti-Flood, Anti-woodworm. Thermally very efficient. Low energy consumption. Healthy Sustainable 100% ecological and recyclable natural environment. High quality construction. Durability of construction. Very well insulated acoustically. Possibility to expand housing in later phases.


Why Superadobe Houses?

We are in the process of return to land the forgotten value as a building noble material, natural and available unlimited, 

universal way for the  construction of ecological, warm and organic houses, under a simple

but technologically advanced technique,  providing welcoming spaces, under the forms value  both traditional and futuristic.

The superadobe is a technique of bioconstruction very economical developed by Iranian architect Nader Khalili and developed for over twenty years at Cal-Earth Californian center.



Why África?

Write us to tell us why you want to come to África









Look at some beautiful examples

from different professionals  around the world about



















Look at my process of learning:

 Because one day I have started like you. I decided to learn
how to build my world. Here I share with you some pictures 
of my  trainig processI have done with Domoterra at
 El Jardín de Gaia in Madrid, Spain. 
These  pictures shows the process of building a Dome, 

 A sustainable community begins with a sustainable person who can hold their dreams / visions. The Art of Architecture in Earth and Ceramics is one of the most simple, humble and ancient forms of building structures for homes in many cultures. Tradition shows us as working with natural elements to develop a style rich and satisfying life, with the wind as cooling the sun to heat, creating the structure with the land, and as a means which grow food, medicines and provide useful energy. Future technologies such as nanotechnology and bioengineering can be integrated with the traditional to meet the needs of humanity. The world of science is coming to the same conclusions as the world of mystics and poets who are in the essence of all religions. Learning to live more harmoniously with the environment in the spirit of peace, love and the union is the path that can lead us to sustainable communities. - Iliona Khalili -

AFRICAN ANGARA all rights reserved   Ecohouses in Africa. Training workshops  Bio construction Earth-bag, Superadobe  African Angara |                                                                                         

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